Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Shhh... it's Top Secret.

How could I forget? How? Just... how? How could I forget the "other" RPG that I played only slightly less than D&D?

Unknown. I'm just stupid, I guess. But, while at a thrift store in Truckee, CA, I stumbled upon a fantastically preserved copy of "Top Secret, An Espionage Role Playing Game for 3 or More Players, Ages 12 to Adult". Oh. My. Gosh. We are talking a complete copy of the boxed game in "Good" condition. The box is in really quite amazing condition, considering that it is 30 (!!!) years old. Also, the game manual and the included module (Operation: Sprechenhaltestelle - Code Name: Pisces) are both in nearly flawless condition. Plus it still has the registration sheet, completely untouched and flawless. And, if that wasn't enough, it has both dice (2D10, one green and one red) that were originally included in the box, *with* the sealed plastic bag (already opened). A-Maze-Ing.

Top Secret on Wikipedia
TSR on Wikipedia