Thursday, February 21, 2013

You can't prevent stupid...

So, we have a client that is converting their entire organization from Windows to Mac. Great. Love it. Less work for me (after it's done) and a happy client. Reason? Some people couldn't stop clicking on every link they received via email. Ouch.

Part of this is getting a new iMac for the top couple people, for their home. Great. Good for them.

So one of our engineers heads out to one of the top people's house, to set up the new iMac. He gets it all set up and starts to install Office 2011. The top person notes that our engineer is prompted for a password to install software. They don't like that. They ask our engineer to disable that. The engineer, who's never been asked that before, sends me a text message to see if I know how to do this. I've never been asked to do this on an Apple product before either. I search Google to see if this is even possible. As I expected, it is not. Simply put, it is a fundamental part of Unix and, by extension, Mac OS X. The engineer eloquently explains that the reason it cannot be disabled is to enhance the security inherent within Mac OS X. Once explained, they like and appreciate the answer.

My question is... why do people get so defensive/frustrated/prickly when their computer prompts them to authorize the installation of software but also wonder how viruses and malware are so prevalent? Is it a power-thing? A "This-is-my-computer-how-dare-you-question-me" thing?

A large chunk of users just can't seem to understand that the "bad guys" are using a huge array of tactics to get to "your stuff". Whether that "stuff" is financial info, personal info or just the juicy pictures from last holiday's party, the "bad guys" just don't care. To them, it's just as much about having the "power" to do it, as it is to gain financially from it. Sadly, some companies have the same attitude about security.

Case in point, another client decided that $23 per year per computer for anti-virus was "too much". They are a double-digit, multi-million dollar a year company. So rather than pay the $400-600 per year (yes, that little) to ensure the entire company is protected against viruses and malware and maximize their productivity, they move to an open-source anti-virus solution. During the last 14 months, we've had to reinstall, from scratch (at their request), 14 laptops simply because their chosen anti-virus solution couldn't block viruses and malware adequately.

Seriously people, if you're too stupid not to protect your financial and intellectual property, you're probably too stupid to be in charge of said property.

Friday, February 15, 2013

I love/hate Verizon/Google...

Long ago, I was on Cingular Wireless. They sucked. They had crappy coverage and even worse customer service. Then they bought AT&T Wireless in mid-2004 (rebranded back to AT&T Wireless in 2006). After the purchase, they sucked slightly less. Very slightly. So I jumped to Verizon Wireless in late 2004. And honestly haven't looked back.

I've now been with Verizon Wireless for about 9 years. I've renewed my contract multiple times, upgrading my phones along the way. I'm currently on Verizon's Share Everything plan with my Samsung Galaxy Nexus. They have excellent coverage and, despite a specific Verizon store I no longer frequent, they have excellent service. For this, I loved Verizon.

I've owned the GNex since early July 2012; right after Google announced Android version 4.1, aka "Jelly Bean". At the time, this *was* Google's premier AOSP phone. Google promised at Google I/O 2012 that "the Galaxy Nexus would be among the very first devices to receive the Jelly Bean updates." When I first got my Samsung Galaxy Nexus, it was fast and beautiful. My previous phone (a Motorola Droid X) was pathetic next to this one. The GNex had a bigger and higher resolution screen, a much faster processor and the OS was awesome. For this, I loved Google.

My GNex came with Android version 4.0, aka Ice Cream Sandwich. My GNex finally updated to Jelly Bean in late October, 3 months after Jelly Bean was released and 1 month after Sprint's Galaxy Nexus also received Jelly Bean (4.1). Now it's mid-February and I'm currently running Android version 4.1.1. Every other GNex in the wild has received 4 (!!!) more Android version updates and are currently on Android version 4.2.2. I've asked the Verizon store reps if they know when 4.2.2 will be pushed out. They don't. I've search Google for articles from the top Android blogs to see if they know. They don't. I've sent random inquiries to various Google and Samsung and Verizon sources to see if they know. And they ignore me.

Everyone knows that Verizon takes F-O-R-E-V-E-R to allow OS updates to their phones. And Google, they let their "premier" phone be left without any solid accessories (where's my smart desktop stand or car mount??) and *allowed* Verizon to nit-pick the Android OS updates into obscurity.

For this, I hate Verizon and Google.

Will I move to the Apple iPhone 5... or 6?? No. As pretty as the iPhone is, it is not for me. The UI on the iPhone is cumbersome for me and how I want/need a phone UI to function. Just... no.

Will I move to another cellular carrier?? T-Mobile, AT&T or Sprint?? No. Their coverage isn't quite as good as Verizon's and their customer support isn't as good. Both according to friends that use those carriers' services and support.

So what are my options/suggestions??

First, don't expect to get the "perfect phone". There is no "perfect phone". Not even the iPhone. (not even close). For example, the GNex's 5MP camera sucks.

Second, buy the newest phone possible when you get a new phone. The likelihood that you'll get more OS updates is significantly higher. And it'll take longer before it reaches EOL and gets no love.

Third, if there is any chance that you'll want certain accessories later, make sure they exist *now*. Just because it is their current "premier device" doesn't mean they won't drop it for another device next week.

So which carrier will I choose and what will be my next phone?

Verizon. Why? They suck less.

Android. Why? It's not an iPhone.

I really like the Motorola Razr MAXX HD but by the time I get a new phone (in a year), it will probably be EOL'd. Besides, Motorola Mobility is owned by Google now. [shutter]